John the ripper
首先先安裝John the ripper
下載John the ripper
Download the latest community-enhanced version (release notes):
- John the Ripper 1.7.8-jumbo-7 (sources, tar.gz, 1312 KB)and its signature
- John the Ripper 1.7.8-jumbo-7 (sources, tar.bz2, 1104 KB)and its signature
cd /tmp
mkdir john
cd john
解壓縮後 進入john-1.7.8
cd john-1.7.8
cd src/
make linux-x86-sse2
編譯完後 進入run資料夾
cd /tmp/john/john-1.7.8/run
sudo ./unshadow /etc/passwd /etc/shadow >/tmp/john/john-1.7.8/run/hack.me
./john hack.me
Loaded 9 password hashes with 9 different salts (generic crypt(3) [?/32])
guesses: 0 time: 0:00:00:13 8% (1) c/s: 28.76 trying: xxxxxxxxx- xxxxxxxxx
guesses: 0 time: 0:00:01:44 22% (1) c/s: 27.62 trying: xxxxxxxxx` - xxxxxxxxx!!
guesses: 0 time: 0:00:01:48 22% (1) c/s: 27.49 trying: xxxxxxxxx~ - xxxxxxxxx!!!
pass123 (myUserName1)
123321 (OtherUserName)
guesses: 2 time: 0:00:28:22 3% (2) c/s: 24.79 trying: Support - Leslie
guesses: 2 time: 0:00:30:40 4% (2) c/s: 24.76 trying: Warrior - Butch
guesses: 2 time: 0:00:32:58 4% (2) c/s: 24.72 trying: Snowflake - Zombie
guesses: 2 time: 0:00:34:33 4% (2) c/s: 24.70 trying: Canela - Dammit
./unshadow /etc/passwd /etc/shadow >crack.db #用./unshadow 轉成john可接受的檔案crack.db
./john --incremental:alpha --users:root crack.db #字母暴力破解模式
#字典暴力破解模式 ()
#/root/pass-hashs.db 裡面放的是內容同於/etc/shadow檔
./john --wordlist:/root/passwords.db /root/pass-hashs.db
./john show crack.db
cat john.pot
-n password|md5sum
5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99 -
是十六進制串。顯然shadow不是將口令直接md5sum得到的。其餘可以man 3 crypt 了解一下,內容太多,只貼一部分:
If salt is a character string starting with the characters "$id$" fol‐
lowed by a string terminated by "$":
lowed by a string terminated by "$":
then instead of using the DES machine, id identifies the encryption
method used and this then determines how the rest of the password
string is interpreted. The following values of id are supported:
method used and this then determines how the rest of the password
string is interpreted. The following values of id are supported:
ID | Method
1 | MD5
2a | Blowfish (not in mainline glibc; added in some
| Linux distributions)
5 | SHA-256 (since glibc 2.7)
6 | SHA-512 (since glibc 2.7)
1 | MD5
2a | Blowfish (not in mainline glibc; added in some
| Linux distributions)
5 | SHA-256 (since glibc 2.7)
6 | SHA-512 (since glibc 2.7)